in the third year (1725), the prime minister divided Zhili into four districts, with special officials in charge of dredging river canals, building dikes and placing gates, and dividing Xinjiang mu. After ploughing ditches, thousands of miles away, all the vegetables were turned into fertile fields. The waterways in the south of the Yangtze River are mostly shallow. Because of its advocacy of construction, dozens of counties and counties have smooth rivers and thousands of hectares of fertile land, which have benefited from irrigation. Due to the demands and demands of officials, the salt administration of the two Huai Dynasties has been sluggish. Since the Prime Minister's household department, it has intensified its decoration and cancelled all floating fees. As a result, the commercial power has gradually improved, and salt affairs have gradually improved.
in the seventh year (1729), the government of Junggar decided to fight against the Northwest Route Army, and was ordered to take part in organizing the establishment of military department, serving as the chief minister of military aircraft, with full authority to raise funds for the transportation of military forces, grain and grass, and various munitions. With sufficient reserves and proper scheduling, we have repeatedly won awards.
concentrate on helping people and things, and serve the country and the people. After its accurate performance, the "accumulation" of the world three years ago was forgiven and all "mistakes" were restored. Be honest, listen to the public. He was ordered to inquire about a major case. During the trial, there was no need for heavy punishment. He insisted on touching people with sincerity, convincing people with reasoning, emphasizing evidence, and not trusting confessions. Although many people were involved, they did not implicate the innocent, so that dozens of prisons were dealt with one by one.
he is good at riding and shooting, and he will hit every shot. Poetry and calligraphy are all fresh and sensitive, but unfortunately there are few remains. Fearless in the face of danger, he was suddenly shocked. He once hunted with his grandfather, and the tiger stood out from the forest, bared its teeth, came face to face, and did not change his face. He calmly handled the knife and died with one blow. Everyone who saw it called it "brave." He is like the management of the guards of the Han Dynasty, guarding the commander of the Eight Banners of Yuanmingyuan, making things with hall of mental cultivation, managing the affairs of Yong Di, managing the affairs of the princes, and managing the Yongzheng Mausoleum. Everything is planned and arranged by one person, and "everything is compromised in detail", which is very suitable for the emperor.
After eight years' service, he was pure and white-minded, never taking credit for it, but he was extremely modest and restrained. After his death, the emperor treated him unusually. After his death, he gave him the ancestral temple, and posthumous title called it "xian" to praise the beauty of all, and crowned it on the posthumous law with the words "loyalty, sincerity, directness, diligence and honesty" to show his favor and praise. It is also special to build temples in Fengtian, Zhili, Jiangnan and Zhejiang, in order to show respect for the newspaper.