How to wallpaper the room? How about wallpaper?

How to paste wallpaper in different rooms is a popular decoration method at present. Sticking wallpaper can make your small home warmer, but what should be paid attention to when pasting wallpaper in different rooms?

wallpaper in the living room: it is suitable for the most important living room. It is a place to receive guests. Generally, it should not be too personalized. If it is full of wall stickers, you can choose wallpaper with light flowers, which will make the living room space appear larger. European-style decoration can be matched with vertical wallpaper; Modern ones should use cool colors, so warm colors will make people feel annoyed if used for a long time. The color matching of the background wall should be compatible with the furniture, but it should be noted that there should be no more than three colors used, otherwise it will be messy.

Children's room wallpaper: Environmental protection is the most suitable place to wallpaper, and the wallpaper it pastes is also the most beautiful. The primary requirement for wallpaper in children's rooms is environmental protection, followed by style. At the same time, the children's room is wallpaper because of the age difference of the owner. A lot of knowledge of children under the age of 1 comes from intuition, so some cartoon wallpaper can be pasted in these children's rooms, which helps to stimulate children's perception. Children between the ages of 1 and 18 hate being treated as children, so the decoration should not be too naive. Basic colors, boys use cool colors, girls use warm colors, and some fashionable patterns are decorated on the waistline. Girls can put some fashionable girls' patterns in Q version, while boys are suitable for sports elements.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: The walls in the dry area should be moisture-proof. Generally speaking, wallpaper is rarely pasted in the bathroom, but if your bathroom is divided into wet and dry areas, you can paste wallpaper in the dry area without any worries. The wallpaper in the bathroom should be in some light colors, which will make the bathroom clean. There are many Japanese wallpapers used now, which are not only waterproof but also have the function of sterilization. But because it is futures, it takes a long time to wait. If the requirements are not very high, generally, wallpaper with strengthened surface will do.

main steps: according to the following steps, post one by one clockwise from the right side of the wall with the main light source window. Left-handed people can start from the left.

1. Make a mark 19 inches away from the top corner of the wall with a pencil, so that the wallpaper has enough width to be transferred from this wall to the wall with windows.

2. Hang a plumb line along the wall at the mark, and draw a marker line along the plumb line with a pencil. Check whether the distance between the marking line and the corner is consistent up and down. If the corner is not straight, and the distance is more than 19 inches in some places, the wallpaper will not have enough width to be transferred to the adjacent wall. You can move the plumb line closer to the corner and redraw the marking line.

3. Take the wallpaper coated with adhesive to the wall, gently uncover the folded part of the upper end, and hold both sides with your hands. Don't let the lower part of the wallpaper suddenly fall, so as not to break or stretch, and it can't be aligned with other wallpapers.

4. Lift the upper right corner of the wallpaper so that the right side of the wallpaper is aligned with the marking line. Note: The top of the wallpaper should be left with a margin of about 2 inches or 5 mm long for trimming.

5. Don't let the edge of the left half touch the wall when aligning the right half wallpaper with the marking line.

6. After the right side of the wallpaper is aligned, smooth the wallpaper in the direction of the upper left corner with your hand or brush, and stick the upper left corner on the wall.

7. Use a brush to smooth the upper part outward from the center of the wallpaper. The right side of wallpaper must be aligned with the marking line.

8. Uncover the folded part of the lower part of the wallpaper. First, brush the central part down, then brush off all bubbles in a figure of eight to both sides, and then pat the edge of the paper with a brush tip or cloth ball.

9. After the wallpaper is pasted, use the back of scissors to draw an obvious crease on the wallpaper along the edge of the skirting board.

1. Gently lift the bottom of the wallpaper, cut it along the crease, then stick it back and brush it flat. The trimming steps at the top of wallpaper are the same. Tips: Small rolls of wallpaper are generally .53 meters wide and 1 meters long, and the whole roll is sold without cutting zero. In actual pasting, there is a reasonable loss of 1%-2% for wallpaper pasting, and the loss of large flower wallpaper is even greater, so consumption should be reserved when purchasing. At the same time, the construction technology of wallpaper is complicated, so we must find professional workers to pave it. Wallpaper walls must not be painted with waterproof latex paint.